Apostille on marriage certificate

Апостиль на свидетельстве о браке

Apostille on marriage certificate

An apostille stamp is a seal that legalizes documents for the legal registration of many family matters at the international level. An apostille on a marriage certificate may be required to file a divorce in another country.

Family lawyer in Ukraine
Skryabin Alexey Nikolaevich
Skryabin Alexey Nikolaevich
Doctor of Law
Hello! In this article I will talk about where and how to affix an apostille stamp on a marriage certificate, as well as how to translate a marriage certificate with an apostille without wasting time and money.

Apostille on marriage certificate

Apostille on the marriage certificate

Apostille stamping on a marriage certificate may be required for divorce from a foreigner, divorce abroad, as well as to confirm the relationship or conformity of documents (when changing the surname during marriage).Apostille is placed not on the original document, but on its translation into the language in which the legal registration of a divorce or other family matter will take place.

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How to put an apostille on a marriage certificate in Ukraine?

To put an apostille stamp on a marriage certificate, you should contact the Ministry of Justice in Ukraine with a corresponding request. To do this, you need to prepare an application and documents that will confirm the validity of the translation of the document.

Once the case has been submitted to the Ministry of Justice for consideration, you will receive a notification.

Apostille with a lawyer?
high-quality translation of the document;
guaranteed result.
no delays or problems.
Apostille yourself:
possible errors in the document;
no guarantee of results;
possible problems and delays.

Apostille on marriage certificate

Where to make an apostille on a marriage certificate in Ukraine?

As already noted, it is possible to make an apostille on a marriage certificate in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. This procedure is quite lengthy and troublesome in terms of preparing documents.

State bodies consider each case with special care, checking the compliance of all documents.

To expedite the procedure for affixing an apostille on a marriage certificate, we recommend contacting a family law attorney.

A lawyer will help to issue a marriage certificate to resolve legal issues at the international level.

Translation of marriage certificate with apostille

Translation of a marriage certificate with an apostille can be done independently. To do this, you should contact a good translator who specializes in translating legal documents, observing all legal norms and standards.

Then you need to prepare documents and an application for sending them to the Ministry of Justice. The duration of the process of affixing an apostille on a marriage certificate may be delayed due to bureaucratic issues.

Therefore, contact a divorce lawyer who will solve all the problems that arise in the process of affixing an apostille to the registry office documents.

Apostille on marriage certificate

Lawyer services in Ukraine: affix an apostille on a marriage certificate

A divorce and family law attorney specializes in filing divorce proceedings, which are often accompanied by the preparation of documents for a divorce from a foreigner, including affixing an apostille stamp.

The family lawyer cooperates with trusted translators and knows all the intricacies of affixing an apostille in the Ministry of Justice.

Therefore, consultation and assistance of a lawyer will help to reduce the time for affixing an apostille on a marriage certificate and avoid unnecessary hassle.

Apostille on marriage certificate

Questions to a lawyer in Ukraine about an apostille on a marriage certificate

Where is the apostille stamp placed on the marriage certificate?
Why put an apostille on a marriage certificate?
Is it possible to put an apostille stamp without my participation?

Call or write to our lawyers at the contacts listed on the site. The lawyers of our company will get acquainted with your case and advise on the apostille on the marriage certificate.

Family lawyer in Ukraine
Scriabina Daria Sergeevna
Scriabina Daria Sergeevna
PhD in Law
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Apostille on marriage certificate

Apostille on marriage certificate

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