Establishing paternity online

Establishing paternity online

Application for acknowledgment of paternity in Ukraine

Application for acknowledgment of paternity in Ukraine

Having recognized the child as his own, a person must realize the full measure of responsibility that his act will entail – to share with the child’s mother material difficulties, care, care, upbringing, all-round development, etc. After completing the process of recognizing paternity, he will not only find the right to have the proud title of a father, but also a lot of duties and responsibilities.

For a couple bound by official ties, the question of establishing paternity is not at all, because the person is automatically considered the father of the child. The pope, ripe for recognition of paternity by his own conviction, not being an official husband, should take the following steps:

  • prepare the necessary documents;
  • apply to the registry office with a statement.

The registry office is not engaged in conducting analyzes and establishing the fact of consanguinity between the parents and the child.

Any male citizen, even without being a biological father, has the right to express the will to be recorded as a father. Once having made such a decision, a person should know that it will be impossible to reverse.

When is it served in Ukraine?

When is it served in Ukraine?

The application can be submitted for the following persons:

  • not tied by legal ties dad and mom;
  • mother (rule “10 months”, when a person is considered the father of a child born within 10 months after divorce, death)
  • father (under the circumstances stipulated by law – when the mother is incapacitated, is unknown or is not alive).

Civil spouses who become parents must write a joint statement. It is allowed to apply for recognition of paternity with separate applications filed in the same time period (if the father is absent from the area – a long business trip, service in the army, serving a prison sentence, serious illness or other valid reason).

In such difficult circumstances, the expression of the will of the absent person must be formalized accordingly – certified by a notary or another person holding a position with the right to certify the signature.

You can apply for registration of paternity to the registry office at the place of registration of any of the parents or the district where the calf is registered. You should know that the age of the father does not matter, even a deep retired person or a young person under the age of 18 has the right to legally be called a father.

What is the order (procedure) in Ukraine?

What is the order (procedure) in Ukraine?

Acknowledgment of paternity through the registry office proceeds as follows:

  • an application is submitted;
  • a full set of necessary documents is provided
  • the state duty is paid, the receipt is attached to the case;
  • an employee of a state institution checks the compliance and correctness of paperwork;
  • at the appointed time they receive a document where the corresponding data will be indicated in the column “father”.

When filling out the application, dad and mom indicate that the surname should be in their cub. After checking all the data, a new birth certificate of the child is issued, and changes are made in the book of records if the registration of the baby has already occurred. If the child has not yet been registered, then a document will be issued indicating the data of the person who declared himself the father.

The child’s birth certificate is issued, as a rule, on the day of application.

When can I apply to the registry office in Ukraine?

When can I apply to the registry office in Ukraine?

There is always an opportunity to declare your paternity:

  • when the child has not yet appeared, that is, during pregnancy;
  • immediately after the appearance of the child, to his birth registration;
  • at any time before the child comes of age.

When mom and dad know that at the time of the birth of a son, the father cannot, for objective reasons, be present in a given locality or country (there will be a trip abroad, business trips, military duty, detention or other circumstances), then a joint statement is submitted to the registry office when the future father is still here.

Employees of the registry office will accept the documents, but do not give them a go, until the turn of registration comes a happy little man was born. By adding a certificate from the maternity hospital, the mother will register the newborn with the father’s details.

Which was announced at any time by the dad, who wants the recognition of paternity, he and his mother can submit papers and their joint appeal will be implemented, but only until the moment when the son is 18 years old.

What documents are required in Ukraine?

What documents are required in Ukraine?

To go to a government institution you need to prepare:

  • copies of passports (and originals)
  • a certificate from the hospital or a previously obtained birth certificate of a child;
  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of the fee;
  • a pregnancy document issued by a medical institution (if you contact the registry office in advance).

The specialist will check the completeness and correctness of filling out the applications, as well as the availability of documents, depending on the situation.

Can a minor father legitimize his status in Ukraine?

Can a minor father legitimize his status in Ukraine?

A minor who has received a child may well apply for recognition of voluntary paternity, this is his right recognized by law.

Can only father apply in Ukraine?

Can only father apply in Ukraine?

Paternity will be registered on the basis of an application only by the father in the following cases:

  • mother is dead;
  • its location cannot be established;
  • the mother is deprived of the rights of the mother;
  • the court declared the mother incompetent.

Such sad circumstances give the father the right to receive a document for the child with his data, but the corresponding official papers must be presented.

Registering paternity through the registry office is not a difficult or protracted procedure, but a completely accessible legal act, even for cases complicated by difficult life situations.

Voluntary establishment of paternity is the right decision for a person who is ready to participate in raising a healthy, skillful, developed son in all respects.

Useful site materials

  1. Eliminating obstacles in communicating with your child online
  2. Divorce from a foreigner online
  3. Court permission for a child to travel abroad online
  4. Spouses property section online
  5. Restoration of documents in the registry office online
  6. Contesting paternity online
  7. Termination of parental rights online
  8. Alimony online
  9. Online divorce in Ukraine
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