- How much does a divorce cost in 2025 in Ukraine
- How much is the state fee for divorce in 2025 in Ukraine
- How much is the court fee for divorce in 2025 in Ukraine
- How much is the court fee for divorce with division of property in 2025 in Ukraine?
- What is the cost of family lawyers’ services in 2025 in Ukraine
- Conclusions in Ukraine
How much does a divorce cost in 2025 in Ukraine
If you decide to file a divorce with your husband, then according to Ukrainian law, you must pay a state fee and / court fee.
The main documents regulating the amount of state fees and court fees in Ukraine are the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On state fees” and the Law of Ukraine “On court fees”. In the event of divorce at the same time as the division of the spouses’ property, the cost of the state duty (court fee) will be determined, including taking into account the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of Ukraine.
The cost of the court fee (state fee) depends on the following factors:
- divorce occurs in the registry office or in court;
- there is a question of the division of property or not;
- the value of the acquired property;
- the problem of collecting alimony is being solved.
Also useful information on the website “Divorce Online” of the family lawyer Alexei Nikolayevich Scriabin for you may be: state duty and court fee for divorce, divorce certificate, restoration of divorce certificate, invalidity of marriage, age of marriage in Ukraine, restoration of marriage, divorce in the presence of common minor children, refusal to divorce, divorce during pregnancy.
How much is the state fee for divorce in 2025 in Ukraine
The state duty is the amount of money collected, among other things, in the departments of state registration of acts of civil status, city, village, settlement councils. That is, if the divorce procedure is carried out in the registry office, then in accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On State Duty”, each of the spouses is obliged to pay 0.5 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, which in 2025 is equal to 17 hryvnia.
In addition, in the registry office for a possible divorce and unilaterally, for example:
- recognition of one of the spouses by the court as missing;
- recognition of one of the spouses as incompetent by a court decision;
- detention (imprisonment) of one of the spouses for a period exceeding 3 years.
In case of unilateral divorce in the registry office, the size of the state fee is 0.3 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens, that is, as of 2025 – 51 kopecks.
In order for your divorce application to be considered, you must pay a court fee in advance.
How much is the court fee for divorce in 2025 in Ukraine
Court fee – a fee levied throughout Ukraine for filing applications, complaints to the court, for the issuance of documents by the courts, as well as in the case of certain court decisions provided for by this Law. The court fee is included in the court expenses (Law of Ukraine “On Court Fee”). The actual cost of the court fee is contained on the official portal https://court.gov.ua/affairs/sudytax/.
The size of a divorce in court is significantly different in its cost from the state fee. More often, married couples have to file a divorce in court. This procedure is mandatory in the following cases:
- When the family has a common minor child (children);
- When one of the spouses does not agree to a divorce;
- If the spouses could not exactly agree on the division of property.
How much does a court divorce cost in 2025? The cost of the court fee will depend on whether the spouses will share the property acquired in marriage, carry out the “division of children”, raise the issue of collecting alimony, and there was a marriage contract between the spouses.
The easiest option is to file a claim without a property section. Under these circumstances, the amount of the court fee for 2025 will cost you UAH 1211.20.
However, after a court decision is made, the spouses still need to contact the registry office to obtain a divorce certificate.
Each person will pay for its issuance separately.
How much is the court fee for divorce with division of property in 2025 in Ukraine?
The amount of the court fee is calculated in a completely different way if the claim contains a requirement to divide the property acquired in marriage, namely, the claim is worth 1% of the cost of the claim (monetary claim) but not less than 0.4 of the minimum subsistence level for migrant persons (size in 2025 – 1211.20 hryvnia) and no more than 3 sizes of the subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons (Law of Ukraine “On court fees”).
Thus, if the spouses have not agreed on the division of property, the divorce process can incur significant costs, not counting the costs of legal fees, which often have to be used.
To avoid paying the court fee, you should not file a claim for the division of property upon divorce, since there are several options for concluding agreements between spouses, namely:
- division of property during marriage;
- property division agreement;
- prenuptial agreement (contract);
Therefore, in the event of a dispute between the spouses on the division of property, it is better to take preventive actions and try to agree with the aim of a fair distribution of jointly acquired property and respecting the interests of both parties.
What is the cost of family lawyers’ services in 2025 in Ukraine
In certain situations, you cannot do without the qualified help of specialists. After all, the desire to save money on the services of a lawyer and independently understand the norms of the law can cause additional costs and stress.
Assistance can, for example, be useful in preparing a statement of claim and submitting a package of documents to the court, in representing interests, in drafting and submitting petitions, in appealing against court decisions. Some law firms offer divorce management packages as well as comprehensive services such as turnkey divorce.
The cost of a lawyer’s services directly depends on the complexity of a particular situation, as well as on the timing and volume of his work.
On average, the prices for legal services in family law in Ukraine are as follows:
- Oral consultation (30-60 minutes) costs 500 hryvnia;
- Written consultation – costs from 700 hryvnia;
- Preparation of a statement of claim for divorce – costs from 500 hryvnia;
- Preparation of a statement of claim for divorce with a foreigner – costs from 1000 hryvnia;
- Representation of interests in a judge – costs from 3000 to 7000 hryvnia (depending on the case);
- Representation of interests in court in the case of division of property – costs from 7000 hryvnia;
- Recovery of alimony (claim and lawyer inquiries) – costs from UAH 1,500;
- requesting permission for a child to travel abroad without the consent of one of the parents – costs from 4500 hryvnia;
- deprivation of parental rights (lawsuit, going to court, cooperation with the guardianship and guardianship authorities) – costs from 3,000 hryvnia;
- determination of the child’s place of residence – costs from 2,800 hryvnia;
- drawing up an agreement on the division of property between spouses – costs from 1000 hryvnia;
- one-time access to the court – from 1000 hryvnia;
Conclusions in Ukraine
If you are going to file a lawsuit for divorce, remember that you need to pay in advance. Otherwise it will not be accepted. Please note that it will be much cheaper to part, having agreed on all the nuances with your wife or husband in advance. Sometimes not everyone is satisfied with the decision made by the court. In this case, it is possible to file an appeal without paying a court fee. Also, the fee is not charged from the plaintiffs if they are disabled groups 1 and 2.
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