International Divorce Lawyer

International Divorce LawyerInternational Divorce Lawyer

International Divorce Lawyer

International lawyer services in divorce cases in Ukraine

International lawyer services in divorce cases in Ukraine

Divorce proceedings are usually not a very pleasant affair for spouses, which is associated with the cost of time, nerves and money. The breakup of international marriages also requires additional information and the help of a lawyer. What features do divorce cases and types of services have – more on that later.

International Divorce Lawyer

Divorce between citizens of different countries in Ukraine

Divorce between citizens of different countries in Ukraine

International divorce and related family matters affect the interests of citizens of various jurisdictions. Therefore, in such matters it is necessary to know and apply a whole set of international legal norms. Conventions, protocols, declarations, rules, guidelines, international treaties – this is not the whole list of legal documents used to regulate disputed legal relations.

It is often very difficult to understand this array of jurisprudence. When conducting an international legal case, a lawyer should take into account many nuances, procedural standards and properly apply the norms of international conventions related to family law. Therefore, it is safer and more effective to contact a competent lawyer who knows foreign legislation.

In most cases, international divorce cases related to the division of property, termination of marriage contracts and withholding of international alimony, as well as the determination of the permanent place of residence of children and other disputes. In addition, when resolving controversial issues, it may be necessary to appeal to the national courts of foreign states and international instances.

International Divorce Lawyer

Variety of services in Ukraine

Variety of services in Ukraine

The types of services provided by an international divorce lawyer include:

  • handling divorce cases for clients living in the EU, USA and other countries of the world;
  • advising a client on the dissolution of a mixed marriage, preparing a statement of claim and submitting it to the courts;
  • legal support of the client on divorce;
  • collection of necessary documents
  • drawing up a complaint, appeal, claim, agreement and other documents;
  • services for interstate enforcement proceedings;
  • assistance in the issue of disputed property (for example, seizure)
  • participation and representation of the interests of your client in court hearings;
  • obtaining a decision issued by a court;
  • provision of legal services for divorce without personal participation in court and departure of the client to another country (“turnkey” service);
  • carrying out consular legalization and affixing an apostille to divorce documents for their recognition by other countries;
  • other agreed services.

Thus, attracting a professional lawyer helps to establish the truth in the dissolution of a mixed marriage and not to spoil normal human relations in the family and between its members. Our partners international lawyers will advise, provide the necessary services, prepare all the documents and will defend the interests of the plaintiff or defendant in court.

International Divorce Lawyer

International Divorce Lawyer

Useful site materials

  1. Divorce fees
  2. Divorce without documents
  3. Divorce in another city
  4. Divorce abroad
  5. Turnkey divorce
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  7. Divorce without the presence of spouses
  8. Divorce lawyer
  9. Settlement of children in court
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