Restoration of documents in the registry office online

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

In what cases do you need to request documents from the registry office in Ukraine?

In what cases do you need to request documents from the registry office in Ukraine?

  • if it is necessary to obtain documents with a recent date of issue, which is a frequent requirement of foreign authorities;
  • if the originals are damaged or lost;
  • you want to change the old certificate, which was issued since the times of the USSR, with an actual new one;
  • if the original is laminated, but the document needs to be legalized or apostilled.

To request documents from the registry office from you, the necessary documents:

  • copy of the passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  • a copy of the document, the original of which must be claimed (if any).

How to restore a marriage certificate in Ukraine?

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

How to restore a marriage certificate in Ukraine?

To do this, you need to find out the reception hours of your registry office, in which the marriage was concluded. Then you will have to wait for your turn, get an appointment with a specialist and apply for the restoration of the marriage certificate. You will also need to pay the state duty on the receipt, that is, you will have to go to the bank branch and make the payment there. Then the received document confirming the transfer of money is transferred to the registry office employees. It is advisable to have a photocopy of the marriage certificate with you in order to simplify the search for the originals in the archive. Only after all these formal procedures will you be assigned a time to receive the document. That is, you will have to spend several hours visiting the registry office, the bank and again at the registry office.

If you do not have time to wait for the issuance of a duplicate marriage certificate, and also do not want to spoil your nerves with bureaucratic delays, you can entrust this procedure to our lawyers. We take care of the entire process of paperwork without your presence. With us, you simply receive a ready-made marriage certificate at the appointed time or order a courier delivery of the document.

How to make a duplicate marriage certificate?

How to make a duplicate marriage certificate?

This procedure is only at first glance simple, but in fact you need to come to the registry office several times, wait in line for an appointment and perform other formal procedures. To obtain a duplicate marriage certificate, you need to bring your passport, identification code and a photocopy of the original marriage certificate (if any).

Next, you need to clarify the reception days and hours of the registry office specialists who issue duplicates. After you apply for a certificate, you will be given a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Payment is made at the bank, so you need to take money with you and be patient. After payment, you must return to the registry office again and hand over a receipt for the amount paid. Next, you will be asked to issue the requested document. Also, recently, terminals for online payment have appeared in the offices of the registry office. If you need a duplicate marriage certificate urgently, or you don’t want to waste time waiting, you can order the service of obtaining documents from the specialists of our company. Your presence is not required – we take care of everything.

You can get a ready-made duplicate at our office or order a courier delivery to a convenient address for you.

Can marriage certificate be laminated in Ukraine?

Can marriage certificate be laminated in Ukraine?

It is undesirable to laminate a marriage certificate, because for some formal procedures with documents it is necessary to have it printed. This applies to the submission of documents to foreign consulates and embassies. You can always get a duplicate of this document if needed. Some countries require re-receipt of documents from the registry office with a date as close as possible to the present time.

In this case, you need to contact the registry office and go through a lot of formal procedures for issuing a duplicate of documents. To simplify and speed up these actions, you can resort to the help of our specialists. We can take over the process of making duplicates of your documents in the registry office even without your presence.

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

Can I get a marriage certificate in another region in Ukraine?

Can I get a marriage certificate in another region in Ukraine?

If you want to get a marriage certificate in another region, then get ready for a long and stressful procedure with multiple walks. However, in such a situation, there may be an easier way out, which our company offers. We provide services for obtaining documents in difficult situations when you need help.

Our services include the preparation of all documents and related services for the registration of a marriage certificate. You can discuss this issue in detail by phone or e-mail so that we know the details and possible difficulties. This path will be the easiest and most comfortable for you, because we will free you from the need to collect various certificates and confirmations.

Lost your marriage certificate in Ukraine?

Lost your marriage certificate in Ukraine?

If a marriage certificate is lost, it is not very good. You will have to get a new document and go through a lot of formal procedures in the registry office. If you do not want to waste your time and energy on waiting, walking, queues, then contact our company. We will prepare the documents you need (or their duplicates) without your presence.

Rules for submitting documents to the registry office in Ukraine

Rules for submitting documents to the registry office in Ukraine

The rules for submitting documents to the registry office are simple: you need to clarify the days and hours of receiving applications for marriage registration and come there with your future soul mate. Both of you must have your passports with you, preferably an identification code. These are all the formal problems that need to be solved. Do not postpone a visit to the registry office, there is a certain queue for registration.

If you have already appointed your wedding day in advance, then you will need to agree on this date with the registry office employees. Sometimes you need help to register your marriage at certain times and days. In this case, we can help our clients.

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

How much does a renewed marriage certificate cost in Ukraine?

How much does a renewed marriage certificate cost in Ukraine?

We can get any re-marriage certificate from any registry office for 1000 UAH. Just call or place an order by e-mail.

How much does it cost to confirm a marriage certificate with a notary in Ukraine?

How much does it cost to confirm a marriage certificate with a notary in Ukraine?

If you mean the execution of a notarized copy, then the cost will be from 50 UAH. Sometimes you need to notarize the translation of documents from / into different languages. In this case, the cost will be different. You can clarify the details by phone.

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

What do you need for electronic submission of documents to the registry office in Ukraine?

What do you need for electronic submission of documents to the registry office in Ukraine?

Electronic submission of documents is carried out on the website However, the queue in the registry office itself has not been canceled, so be prepared for this.

How to amend an incorrectly written marriage certificate?

I want to warn you right away that this is a very long and painful procedure. It is called “making changes to the civil status record on the basis of the documents that you have in your hands.” It will be much easier to contact our company by phone or e-mail. We will relieve you of the numerous formal requirements for filing certificates, confirmations, notarial copies and will solve all this on our own. You will receive the finished document at our office or by courier delivery.

How to get a certificate if the record was destroyed? / How to recover a birth certificate from Donetsk, Lugansk in Ukraine?

How to get a certificate if the record was destroyed? / How to recover a birth certificate from Donetsk, Lugansk in Ukraine?

If the civil register was lost and you need to obtain a certificate or an extract, a long and time-consuming data recovery procedure is provided. In order to save your nerves and save time, we recommend that you contact us. We will draw up the document you need in a day without bureaucratic delays.

How to get a marriage certificate after divorce in Ukraine?

How to get a marriage certificate after divorce in Ukraine?

This is impossible, because after a divorce, a marriage certificate is not issued. You may be given evidence of a divorce and (if necessary) an extract about the change of your premarital surname.

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

They broke the marriage certificate, what should I do in Ukraine?

They broke the marriage certificate, what should I do in Ukraine?

You will need to get a new document. Issued by the registry office as a general bureaucratic procedure that takes a lot of time. It’s even easier to contact us. Here you can get the services or assistance you need without any queues and waiting. Contact the phone numbers listed on the site.

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

Restoration of documents in the registry office online

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