Teaching Ukrainian online

Обучение украинскому языку онлайн

Family lawyer in Ukraine
Skryabin Alexey Nikolaevich
Skryabin Alexey Nikolaevich
Doctor of Law
Hello! In the article "Learning Ukrainian online" on the website rozluchennya-onlain.com.ua I will tell you about the historical aspect of the Ukrainian language, about the Ukrainian language courses online and the stages of learning the Ukrainian language.

Historical aspect about the Ukrainian language

In its structure, Ukrainian is closest to Russian than to any other Slavic language. This was a historical consequence of both the long stay of Ukraine under the political influence of Russia, and the constant trade and migration ties between the two peoples.

Many linguists agree that if you know one of these languages, and with a couple of months and a good course of study, you can learn the other.

Ukrainian is now spoken by approximately 51 million people, 90 percent of whom are concentrated in Ukraine. The remaining 10 percent are Ukrainian diasporas living around the world in countries such as Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia and the United States.

Teaching Ukrainian online

Also, useful information on the website rozluchennya-onlain.com.ua of the family lawyer Skryabin Aleksey Nikolaevich for you can be: Services of a family psychologist, Services of an interpreter, Divorce with a Spaniard, Divorce with a Czech, File a divorce for citizens of Crimea, Apostille on documents, Apostille on a court decision about divorce.

Ukrainian language courses online

The issue of the need to study foreign languages is becoming increasingly important. It puzzles students, schoolchildren, businessmen and many others.

Ukrainian is one of the Slavic languages. Most of its speakers, of course, are Ukrainians, but you should not forget that Ukrainian speakers live in Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Canada, Hungary, the USA and many other countries.

Our Ukrainian language courses are suitable for both Ukrainians and foreign students. They allow you to learn the Ukrainian language in a fairly short time. The goals of learning the Ukrainian language are different: admission to educational institutions, preparation for language exams, internships at enterprises abroad, career growth.

With us you can quickly master the basics, including improving your existing knowledge of the Ukrainian language. Our experts will select the most suitable course for you, taking into account the wishes and level of knowledge of the language.

We also offer courses for children and teenagers. Mom can learn the language with the child. Such training has many advantages, including: the ability to independently determine the intensity of classes, frequency and duration. There is also the possibility of adjusting the course program. You can study with your child or spend time with benefit for yourself. Depending on the age of the child, learning not only introduces new words, but also introduces them to the melody of the language.

Teaching Ukrainian online

Stages of teaching the Ukrainian language

  • Training using modern communicative methods for mastering the Ukrainian language;
  • Training with practitioners;
  • Education in mixed international groups;
  • High quality language learning.

Plus, you will be satisfied with the prices of our company!

We also offer business courses in the Ukrainian language, designed for those whose work involves communication with foreign partners. The purpose of this course is to develop and improve business speaking skills, overcoming the language barrier. An important place in the course program is occupied by the grammar of the Ukrainian language. The program content of the course may vary depending on the needs of clients.

Contact our company rozluchennya-onlain.com.ua! We offer you English courses for lawyers covering various areas of law. We can also prepare a special course at your request, with the study of the legal vocabulary of a particular area of law.

Family lawyer in ukraine
Scriabina Daria Sergeevna
Scriabina Daria Sergeevna
PhD in Law
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Teaching Ukrainian online

Teaching Ukrainian online

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