Divorce documents through the registry office

Divorce documents through the registry office

Divorce documents through the registry office in Ukraine

Divorce in the registry office on the territory of Ukraine is provided for married couples who have come to a mutual agreement to divorce. In addition, administrative termination of a marriage is only possible if the couple does not have common minor children.

Divorce registration begins with the submission of documents to the selected registry office. The list of required documents may vary, depending on whether the spouses are present or only one person is present. The second option is possible if one of the spouses is recognized by the court as incompetent or missing.

The form of the application for divorce depends on who submits documents for divorce to the registry office. The law provides for an application for a couple to file for divorce together. For unilateral dissolution of a family union, the application must be filled out in a slightly different form. These forms are provided to applicants directly at the registry office and are easy to understand.

To simplify the procedure for terminating a marriage in the administrative procedure, it is possible to submit an application not only to the registry office where the union was registered, but also to any other department convenient for the spouses. At the same time, in order for the application to be accepted by the registry office employee, both the husband and the wife must pay a state fee and provide the corresponding receipt.

Divorce documents through the registry office

List of documents for divorce through the registry office in Ukraine

List of documents for divorce through the registry office in Ukraine

Dissolution of a family union in the registry office is the easiest way to end a marriage. Most often, the spouses manage to get divorced in the administrative procedure, they jointly came to this decision and do not have common minor children. In this case, the package of documents required for registration of the dissolution of the union consists of:

  • applications for divorce (the form of this document in a fixed form is provided to the spouses directly at the registry office)
  • spouses’ passports (originals needed)
  • marriage certificate (original);
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee by both parties (details for payment are provided by the registry office).

This package of documents can be called basic. It can be supplemented if an administrative divorce occurs without the participation of the other spouse. This situation is possible if the husband or wife is considered missing or incapacitated.

In this case, in addition to an application, a passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty, you need a document confirming the ability to dissolve the marriage through the registry office without a second spouse: a court decision on recognizing a person as incapacitated or missing (in this case, the amount of “divorce tax” is not 0 5 and 0.03 of the non-taxable minimum income of citizens).

In order to dissolve a marriage in an administrative manner in such cases, you need a document confirming the impossibility of the presence of a husband or wife:

  1. a court decision confirming the incapacity of a person;
  2. a judgment that the other party is a missing person.

Within three days after the application for divorce is filed, the registry office will inform the other party or his representative about this fact.

Also useful information on the website “Divorce Online” of the family lawyer Alexei Nikolayevich Scriabin for you may be: dissolution of marriage, grounds and procedure for dissolution of marriage, application for divorce, statement of claim for dissolution of marriage, documents for divorce, divorce through court, dissolution of marriage in the authorities Registry office, unilateral divorce, can you part without the consent of your husband or wife?

Divorce documents through the registry office

Divorce by proxy in Ukraine

Divorce by proxy in Ukraine

In the registry office, situations arose when citizens asked the question – can they leave by proxy? According to the Family Legislation of Ukraine, divorce in the registry office is possible only if both agree with the decision to terminate family life. Therefore, without a valid reason, an administrative divorce is impossible without the presence of one of the parties. However, if the spouse cannot appear at the department, but agree to terminate the family relationship, then only one of the spouses can submit an application.

To do this, you need to obtain two forms for divorce. The spouse who cannot come to the registry office in person can notarize his copy of the application. This document, along with a receipt for payment of the state duty, a marriage certificate, will be provided by the second party. However, even in this case, it is necessary to appear at the registry office on the day appointed by the employee (usually a month after the application is submitted). If the spouse does not visit the registry office on the specified date, the divorce will not occur. and family relations will legally continue.

It is possible to file a divorce on behalf of you without your presence in court. In this case, the interests of the parties can be represented by the persons on whom a notarized power of attorney is issued.

Divorce statement at the registry office in Ukraine

Divorce statement at the registry office in Ukraine

Depending on whether the application for divorce is filed by both spouses or only one, there are three forms of this document. Husband and wife, together visited the registry office, fill out the form in the prescribed form. This document contains information about both parties, each of the spouses fills out his half of the application, indicating the following information:

  • personal data (name, surname, patronymic)
  • date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • nationality;
  • passport information;
  • place of residence.

Below are the details of the marriage certificate, information about the surname each of the spouses wants to receive after the divorce, the date of contacting the registry office and the signatures of the parties.

The following form is intended for persons who divorce administratively, without the presence of the other party for one of the reasons specified in the Family Code of Ukraine. In this case, the spouse completes the form on their own and provides the following data:

  1. applicant’s passport data (full name, address of birth and residence, date of birth, passport details of a citizen of Ukraine);
  2. number and date of the marriage certificate;
  3. data of the registry office and the date of submission of the application;
  4. the reason for filing a divorce unilaterally;
  5. the surname that will be assigned to the applicant after the dissolution of the family union;
  6. signature.

Divorce documents through the registry office

Apply for divorce to the registry office in Ukraine

Apply for divorce to the registry office in Ukraine

Often during family life, spouses move, changing their place of residence. Therefore, at the time of divorce, they do not have the opportunity to contact the registry office where the family union was registered. The legislation allows a husband and wife to file a divorce at the place of residence of any of them.

That is, the spouses have the right to apply for divorce in any department of the registry office on the territory of Ukraine. To do this, you do not need certificates from the place of registration or residence, all the information necessary for the procedure is indicated in the passports of the spouses and the marriage certificate.

However, if the husband and wife live in different cities, then in order to dissolve the marriage in an administrative manner, they need to choose the registry office at the place of residence of one of them. You won’t be able to file for divorce from different cities. If the parties do not have the opportunity to meet, they can terminate the family union in court. Only the court has the right to dissolve the marriage without the presence of one of the spouses.

How much is the state fee for divorce in Ukraine

How much is the state fee for divorce in Ukraine

The amount that must be paid for divorce in the administrative procedure is 0.5 of the non-taxable minimum income of citizens from each of the spouses. This amount of the state fee does not change.

There is also another amount provided for payment upon dissolution of the family union in the registry office without the presence of one of the spouses. It follows from the absence of one of the spouses for a good reason (missing, declared incompetent). In this case, the party that submits the application must provide receipts for payment of the state duty in the amount of 0.3 of the non-taxable minimum income of citizens at the registry office.

If the divorce occurs by a court decision, then the court fee is paid once in the amount of UAH 908. for the acceptance of the statement of claim.

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Divorce documents through the registry office

Divorce documents through the registry office

Useful site materials rozluchennya-onlain.com.ua:

  1. Age of marriage in Ukraine
  2. Nullity of marriage
  3. Restoration of divorce certificate
  4. Divorce certificate
  5. State fee and court fee for divorce
  6. Is it possible to divorce without the consent of the husband or wife?
  7. Unilateral divorce
  8. Divorce in the registry office
  9. Divorce through the court
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