How to break up quickly

How to break up quickly

How to break up quickly in Ukraine

How to break up quickly in Ukraine

The term for divorce in administrative and judicial procedures can vary significantly. According to the Family Legislation of Ukraine, it takes one month from the date of filing a divorce at the registry office. The first hearing on the termination of family relations in court also takes place about a month after the adoption of the claim. The decision to dissolve the marriage can be made at the first hearing, but sometimes the process is delayed for a long time.

It is possible to speed up the registration of a divorce, also popularly known as “Divorce”, by preparing the necessary documents in advance and agreeing with your husband about all controversial issues. Having reached a general agreement on the termination of the marriage relationship and having come to an agreement about who the minor children will live with after the divorce, the husband and wife can minimize the term for the dissolution of the marriage.

Another option for a quick online procedure is contacting a family lawyer, who assumes the responsibility of representing you in public authorities (court, registry office) and bringing the divorce to an end.

If one of the spouses does not want to end the marriage relationship, and does not go to the registry office to file an application or ignore the hearings in court, prepared evidence will help speed up the divorce, further family life is impossible or online services of lawyers. The arguments can be:

  • characteristics of the defendant;
  • medical certificates testifying to the addiction of the other parent;
  • evidence that the plaintiff or defendant has another family.

Also useful information on the website “Divorce Online” of the family lawyer Alexei Nikolayevich Scriabin may be for you: divorce and children, documents for divorce with children, how do children share in divorce? how to pick up a child from an ex-wife? division of property in case of divorce from children, division of an apartment in case of divorce from a child, communication with a child after a divorce, restriction of communication between father and child, the wife prohibits seeing the child – what to do?

Is it possible to speed up a divorce through the registry office or court in Ukraine?

How to break up quickly

Is it possible to speed up a divorce through the registry office or court in Ukraine?

Having familiarized themselves with the regulations for registering a divorce and the list of necessary documents, the spouses can lead to the dissolution of the marriage as soon as possible. However, given the many nuances and peculiarities of divorce or the possibility of a remote dissolution of a marriage (photo), you should contact an experienced family lawyer (family lawyer).

Also, the mutual consent of the spouses will help to part quickly. They can agree on the date of visiting the registry office, draw up an agreement on children and certify it with a notary, sign a petition for the defendant’s consent to terminate the marriage relationship. All these steps will help you avoid delaying the divorce process.

You must first prepare and check the documents that will be required in any instance:

  1. passports;
  2. Marriage certificate.

If the spouses have children, birth certificates will also be required. Spouses can familiarize themselves with the samples of applications for their correct preparation, determine the place of its filing: clarify the address of the district court or the registry office. Sometimes it is difficult for a husband and wife to agree on a date for visiting the registry office. In this case, you can speed up the termination of family relations by using the services of a family lawyer.

Is it possible to get a divorce in less than a month in Ukraine

Is it possible to get a divorce in less than a month in Ukraine

No. According to the Family Code of Ukraine, administrative divorce is possible no earlier than one month from the date of the application. This period is provided by law for the possible reconciliation of spouses and the preservation of the family.

The same period of time elapses from the date of acceptance of the statement of claim in court. Thus, the minimum possible time for registration of the dissolution of the marriage union is one month. Parting faster than during this period is impossible. The practical minimum term for a divorce is at least a month and a half.

In addition to these factors, the workload of the court, the fidelity of the preparation of documents and collected certificates, and the like, affect the period of consideration of a claim or statement.

Family legislation of Ukraine is aimed at protecting such values as family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. Therefore, between the date of filing an application to the registry office or a lawsuit in court, a period is set for a possible finding of a compromise between a husband and wife. Often, within the month provided by law, the spouses decide to cancel the divorce. This is especially important for a family with minor children.

It is impossible to break off the marriage sooner, even if the divorce takes place in the registry office unilaterally in the cases provided for by the Family Code of Ukraine.

How to quickly file a divorce in Ukraine

How to break up quickly

How to quickly file a divorce in Ukraine

The main way to quickly leave at the registry office is to prepare all the documents in advance and pay the state fee on the day of application. The requisites for the “divorce tax” are provided by an employee of the department, and you can pay the required amount without leaving the registry office, using the terminal.

The preparedness and consistency of the spouses’ actions will help speed up the dissolution of a marriage through court. The time for consideration of the case can be minimized by:

  • the statement of claim is correctly drawn up, in which all the relevant information will be indicated;
  • calm and correct behavior at the preliminary and main hearings, a reasoned position;
  • an agreement of the spouses certified by a notary about which of the parents the common child will live with and what will be the procedure for his communication with the father living separately;
  • the presence of the plaintiff and the defendant (or the family lawyer) at all scheduled hearings and the defendant’s consent to the dissolution of the marriage.

Often the dissolution of a marriage is complicated by the issue of the appointment of alimony or the division of the common property of the spouses. In the event that the divorce needs to be expedited, these disputes can be resolved after the termination of the family union.

If both spouses agree to a divorce in Ukraine

If both spouses agree to a divorce in Ukraine

If both husband and wife agree to terminate the marriage, then divorce will take much less time. However, in the case when children under the age of eighteen are brought up in the family, the dissolution of the marriage will take place in court. In order for the decision to be made at the first meeting, the defendant can draw up a written request in which he indicates that he agrees to terminate the relationship.

Will help spouses and agreements about children. The judge takes into account that the husband and wife act in the interests of their children, and the mutual desire to speed up the divorce process proves that the preservation of the family and the continuation of the marriage is impossible.

Divorce in the registry office takes place only by the joint decision of the spouses who do not have common children. Divorce in this case consists of just a few simple steps:

  1. joint visit to the registry office (not always necessary)
  2. payment by each person of the state fee for obtaining a certificate;
  3. filling out an application and submitting documents;
  4. re-visit to the registry office at the appointed time in a month to obtain a divorce certificate.

In case of termination of the marriage union at the common desire of the spouses in the registry office, the reason for the divorce is not specified. In court, it is sometimes necessary to inform why it is not possible to keep the family together. There are enough formal arguments: the loss of close relationships, the difference in views and interests, a new family.

How to break up quickly if you have a child in Ukraine

How to break up quickly

How to break up quickly if you have a child in Ukraine

Family law protects the interests of vulnerable citizens who have minor children in the event of divorce. Only the court can dissolve the marriage of spouses raising joint children. In any case, this aspect will be considered by the court.

In the first case, the divorce process will cover a much shorter period of time. At the preliminary or main session, the judge will get acquainted with a written agreement, which can indicate not only which of the parents the common children will live with, but also what is the procedure for communicating with the other side of the spouses.

If none of the agreements contradicts the interests of the minor, the court may decide to terminate the family union at the first meeting.

Only the court can resolve the dispute about the place of residence of the child. Divorce, connected with the solution of this issue, may be delayed, since the guardianship and guardianship authorities, the child’s teacher will be involved in the participation. For a correct assessment of living conditions, an examination will be required, and a conversation with a psychologist will help to find out the degree of attachment of the child to his parents and his emotional state. All these measures can postpone the decision to divorce. In addition, the judge can set the conflicting spouses a time limit for reconciliation.

How to quickly divorce your husband without his consent in Ukraine

How to break up quickly

How to quickly divorce your husband without his consent in Ukraine

In most cases, dissolution of a marriage without the consent of the husband is possible only in court. To do this, the initiator of the divorce must contact the appropriate authority and draw up a statement of claim. Regardless of the consent or disagreement of the defendant, a copy of the claim and the date of the meeting will be sent to him. The process may be delayed if the other party fails to appear at a hearing or to file a disagreement with the termination of the marriage in court proceedings.

In this situation, the arguments of the plaintiff, testifying that the joint life cannot be extended, will help accelerate the dissolution of the marriage. The initiator of the divorce can present documentary evidence (for example, medical certificates, characteristics, results of examinations) or testimony of witnesses. In such a case, the judge may decide to divorce without the presence and consent of the defendant.

According to the Family Code of Ukraine, it is possible to dissolve a marriage without the consent of the other spouse in a simplified manner. This option is legal if:

  • the spouse has been declared legally incompetent;
  • one of the parties is considered missing.

The divorce procedure in these situations occurs in the same way as divorce in the registry office by mutual consent. However, the application form is different, which must be drawn up and the set of documents. The man who is engaged in the registration of the termination of the family union will need to present a document confirming the impossibility of the presence of the second party. Divorce in this case will take one month from the moment of the first appeal to the registry office.

How to break up quickly

How to break up quickly

Useful site materials

  1. Divorce during pregnancy
  2. Refusal to divorce
  3. Divorce in Ukraine without a lawyer (on your own)
  4. Divorce in the presence of common minor children
  5. Restoring marriage
  6. Age of marriage in Ukraine
  7. Nullity of marriage
  8. Restoration of divorce certificate
  9. Divorce certificate
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