Get a re-extract from the registry office

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Get a re-extract from the registry office in Ukraine

An extract from the registry office is a legal document that contains the most complete information about civil registration. This document contains more information than the corresponding certificate issued by the registry office.

Skryabin Alexey Nikolaevich
Skryabin Alexey Nikolaevich
family lawyer in ukraine
Hello! In this article, I will talk about how to get a re-extract from the registry office, about which extracts of civil registration are issued, as well as the procedure for obtaining them.
What legal service are you interested in?
copy of divorce papers;
a copy of an extract from the registry office on marriage;
repeated statement of birth;
restoration of a death certificate;
re-obtaining an extract on the premarital surname.
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What extracts from the registry office can be obtained again in Ukraine?

You can apply to the registry office to obtain extracts on the registration of civil status of the following varieties:

  • on divorce;
  • about adoption;
  • about marriage;
  • about the birth of a child;
  • about death;
  • about the premarital surname.

A duplicate of an extract from the registry office may be required in various situations. Most often, such a document is necessary for the legal registration of property issues and solving family cases.

Also, an extract from the registry office may be required to resolve such issues abroad. So that you can get an extract from the registry office in a short time, we recommend that you contact a family law attorney.

Get a re-extract from the registry office

Duplicate extract from the registry office of birth, death in Ukraine

To obtain an extract from the registry office on birth or death, as well as to restore a marriage certificate or a divorce certificate, the persons in respect of whom this document is drawn up or close relatives can.

Close relatives are spouses, children, parents, grandchildren. As well as guardians or adoptive parents. To obtain an extract from the registry office, you must confirm the relationship, if this document contains data not about you, but about your relative.

Get re-extract from the registry office on marriage, divorce in Ukraine

An extract from the registry office on divorce or marriage is issued upon an application that is sent to the district registry office. It is best to submit documents and an application to the registry office where the civil status was registered.

At the same time, it is not always possible to apply for an extract to the same registry office where the registration was. This may be due to a move to another city or country, or other family circumstances.

When applying to another registry office to obtain an extract from the registry office, the processing time for your request may increase. Therefore, it is best to contact a divorce and family lawyer to reduce the waiting time for a document.

Lawyer services upon re-receipt of an extract from the registry office:
without coming to the registry office;
no problem.
Self-restoration of an extract from the registry office:
presence in the registry office;
for a long time;

Get a re-extract from the registry office

Duplicate extract from the registry office of the premarital surname in Ukraine

An extract from the registry office on the premarital surname may be necessary if it is necessary to confirm kinship, receive an inheritance, confirm diplomas and other documents that are issued in the maiden name.

The procedure for obtaining an extract from the registry office includes the following successive steps:

  1. preparation of an application for an extract;
  2. payment of state duty;
  3. submission of documents to the regional registry office;
  4. obtaining an extract from the registry office.

Lawyer services in Ukraine: re-obtain an extract from the registry office

Lawyer services include re-obtaining an extract from the registry office about the premarital surname, birth, death, marriage, divorce, and adoption. The lawyer will help you quickly re-obtain documents from the registry office and the court without your personal participation and arrival in the city or country.

On the basis of a power of attorney for a lawyer, you can restore the registry office documents online, saving personal time and money on this procedure.

A family law attorney will help you avoid mistakes in preparing documents and speed up the process of recovering and obtaining the necessary documents from the registry office.

Get a re-extract from the registry office

Questions to a lawyer about the restoration of an extract from the registry office in Ukraine

Is it possible to obtain an extract from the registry office on the death of parents?
How to get a divorce extract from the registry office online?
What is the difference between an extract from the registry office on birth and a birth certificate of a child?

Call our lawyers right now and you will receive prompt legal advice on the restoration of an extract from the registry office. Don’t put off a call or email/messenger until tomorrow.

Contacts for communication with lawyers are posted on the website (phone – Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp and e-mail).

Scriabina Daria Sergeevna
Scriabina Daria Sergeevna
family lawyer in ukraine
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Get a re-extract from the registry office

Get a re-extract from the registry office

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